Yogaøvelser hjemmefra - Begynderguide

Yoga exercises from home - Beginner's guide

Yoga training is good for both body and mind, as it focuses a lot on breathing, balance, flexibility and controlled movements, which over time will increase your strength and mobility. During a yoga session, all exercises are supposed to flow naturally together and combine to form a holistic and coherent session. Here we present and explain some of the most simple and common exercises that you can easily do anywhere. That way you can get a taste of this fantastic yoga universe.

Mindfulness is a state of mind that can enhance the experience of yoga and meditation. Read more here!

Read also: How to get started with training

    Mobility training

    Sitting very still can lead to tight muscles, poor posture and back strain. Exercising movement and mobility gives you a body that can better cope with everyday movements and reduces the risk of back, neck and shoulder problems. At the same time, mobility training contributes to better technique in strength exercises and greater range of motion.

    Read also: Injury prevention training

    What is good mobility?

    We have many muscles in the body that are actively used to bend and stretch the joints. If you are stiff in these joints, it can lead to less stability and balance.

    Mobility is primarily about the ability to move one or more joints without pain. Exercises within mobility training include all types of stretching and stretching. The more mobility you have, the more flexibly you can perform activities.

    Read also: Why stretch after training?

    Mobility training should be introduced if you experience stiff muscles in everyday life. This may be because you have been inactive and have not used the muscles sufficiently. See simple tips to increase mobility in everyday life.

    Yoga exercises for beginners

    When you start practicing yoga, it is important that you have comfortable and flexible training clothes in which you can move freely and which do not tighten uncomfortably during the session. Read here about the best yoga clothes for women to find the right yoga pants, yoga tights, and yoga shirt or top.

    Read also: Training at the office and at home

    Yoga tights and top set in redYoga tights and top set in blue

    Seated position

    Most yoga sessions start in a seated position with the legs crossed and the wrists resting on the knees. From there you move up to a standing position with other yoga exercises. In a sitting position, you practice breathing and like to do some wonderful stretching exercises.

    How to do it:

    • Sit cross-legged on a yoga mat. Cross your legs in a way that is comfortable for you.
    • "Head over heart, heart over pelvis" . Stretch your chin over your heart and lift your chest so that it is over your pelvis. This rule of thumb helps you sit with a straight and straight back.
    • Feel free to sit on a pillow or a folded blanket to lift your hips and make it easier to straighten your back.
    • Relax all muscles and nerves, including the face. You often don't think about tensing your forehead and jaw, but try to relax here too!
    • Breathe deeply and calmly.
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